It is our privilege to provide care during your surgical experience and we hope we have exceeded your expectations. We know you have choice of healthcare providers and we are grateful that you have chosen a facility serviced by Ohio Anesthesia Group.
We want to hear from You!
We have partnered with SurveyVitals to gather feedback on your anesthesia experience. Please expect to be contacted either by text, cell or via your land line. The survey consists of approximately 20 questions regarding your anesthesia care. We ask that you please rate your anesthesia provider(s) so that we may continue to provide exceptional care. We thank you in advance for your participation.
Billing and Related Questions
Our Team will work with you or designated family member prior to your surgery to collect billing information so that your invoice can be processed correctly and efficiently, especially if you are utilizing Workman’s Compensation. If we receive a denial from your insurance carrier for non-coverage, we will contact you directly.
We understand that healthcare bills can be confusing. Generally, anesthesia bills are based upon the procedure and the amount of time that procedure takes. Longer, more complex procedures will result in higher bills. Depending on the requirements of your insurance company, the professional fees for your anesthesia may be split between members of our Anesthesia Care Team, resulting in two bills. Please note that the total amount due would be no different than if there was only one provider. The remaining amount charged would be adjusted by our billing company and we are required to bill in this fashion by law.
If your insurance carrier does not contract with OAG or if you are uninsured, please contact our office directly to make payment arrangements. OAG offers payment plans and other options to pay your bill.
For billing related questions, please contact our Billing Office directly at 440-350-0832 for further assistance.